May 29, 2020
Mental Health Market Update: 5/29/2020 – Who is
Investing in Mental Health Startups? Investors have
placed over $850mm into mental health startups in the first 5
months of 2020. This far outpaces 2019 mental health startup
funding for the entire year.
May 25, 2020
Jason Finucan and I both live with type-1 bipolar
We have had vastly different experiences with the illness. In
this episode, we explore what this disease looks like, how it
manifested itself in our own lives and how we got better. We
challenge the public perception of bipolar disorder and how the
May 22, 2020
Mental Health Market Update: 5/22/2020 – Mindstrong
Raises $100mm Series-C
May 20, 2020
“I launched a Company While Serving Time for Coke Smuggling” – Emily O’Brien
I’m so inspired by our conversation with Emily O’Brien. Emily is a keynote speaker, entrepreneur, consultant and convict. Emily is an entrepreneur, who started her current business from prison. She overcame far more than most...
May 17, 2020
Arielle Dyment is an influencer in the recovery community, and a highly sought-after sober coach. She joins us to talk about addiction, getting sober, and how she’s helping people who are falling through the cracks of the existing recovery solutions in the market.
Arielle built a recovery coaching platform called My...