Dec 23, 2019
In this episode Stephen Hays chats with Ryan Hampton about Ryan’s personal addiction journey that has led Ryan to the forefront of our national conversation on addiction and recovery. Ryan shares his story and talks about where we are as a country on combatting addiction, fostering recovery, and defeating stigma. ...
Dec 17, 2019
In this episode I chat with Dr. Stephen Schueller about the role of technology in treating people for mental health conditions as well as the landscape of existing technology solutions, and those that are yet to be built.
Dr. Schueller is an assistant professor of Psychological Science at the University of California in...
Dec 10, 2019
Dr. Alexandra Katehakis is a pioneer in the area of sex addiction, and healthy sexual behavior. In this episode, we talk about what sex addiction is, where it stems from, how to treat it, and how to know if you need help. It’s a provocative conversation on one of the most stigmatized addictions we face.